On Tuesday morning the weather was about as gorgeous as we have any business asking for in the Mid South at the end of June. When I got down to the river it was sunny with a mild north breeze and a temperature of 79 degrees Fahrenheit.
I did the last long sprint workout I plan to do before heading out West: another set of four bridge-to-bridge sprints. When I'd done this workout the previous Tuesday I'd had a good tailwind, whereas this time I had more of a headwind, so I knew my times wouldn't be as fast this week. But that was liberating in a way: I didn't worry about what my times were, and I just tried to produce four good, hard, consistent efforts.
I ended up clocking 2:11, 2:11, 2:09, and 2:09. I'd say that's pretty consistent. And while the sprints had me plenty tired and gasping for breath, my muscles weren't throbbing quite like they'd been the previous Tuesday. Once it was over I paddled easy for some ten minutes and headed back to the dock. Since it was cooler I didn't take a full hose bath, but I did enjoy a protein bar and a pair of nectarines washed down with some cold water from the Memphis Sands aquifer.
All of that followed a gym session before I left the house Tuesday morning.
My biggest event yesterday was getting a COVID-19 booster shot. I got it in my right arm. One of my conjectures about the pain I've had in my left deltoid/biceps area is that it might be the result of three COVID shots and two flu shots there since the fall of 2020. During the night last night I could feel some very similar soreness in my right arm, so maybe I'm onto something there.
This morning I didn't have a lot of giddy-up as I dragged myself down to the river. I paddled for 60 minutes and kept the intensity low. By lunchtime I was feeling even more down in the dumps, and only then did it occur to me that it was probably my immune system kicking into gear. My three previous COVID shots hadn't really affected me that much, so I wasn't expecting to feel this way. So far it's not too bad--I know people who had much worse reactions to their shots--but it's made for a bummer of a day. At least this should be thoroughly over with before I leave town in a week.
Late this afternoon I went for another session with the chiropractor. I was expecting another scrape massage of my sore area with that butter knife thing, but instead she just adjusted me in a few places and inflicted some pain by digging her knuckles pretty deep in my shoulders. Oh well... she's the professional. Hopefully I'll notice some improvement over the weekend.
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