Monday, May 20, 2024

Monday photo feature

Here's an update on my adventures in rudder line replacement.

We're looking at my V10L surfski, the one I prefer for racing on not-so-rough water.  As I mentioned in a previous post, the tube on the starboard side is broken inside the boat beneath the stern deck.  Making my best guess at the location of the break, I cut a circular hole.  It turns out my guess was pretty good, but if I had it to do over, I'd cut the hole a couple of inches farther forward.  (I will eventually "patch" the hole by installing the hatch I'm holding in the picture.)

It seemed as though the rest of the job would be simple enough from here, until I realized that the rearmost segment of tube has come detached from the hole (indicated by the red arrow) where the line comes out to meet the rudder post bracket.  So I have to find a way to reattach the tube to the hole and seal it so water won't get in the boat that way.  Sigh.

Fortunately my V10 Sport surfski is in good working order at the moment, so I do have a boat to paddle while I wade through this tedious, frustrating task.  Its lines are due for replacement too, but I'm not going to begin to work on those until I've got the V10L back in service.  Right now I don't even want to think about what kind of malignancies are hiding deep inside the V10 Sport.

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