Sunday, August 18, 2024

Post-Olympic letdown

Since the Olympics ended a week ago I hardly know what to write about here.

Basically it was another week of the same stuff I've been doing all summer.  I did gym sessions on Tuesday an Friday; I did a bike ride Friday; and I paddled my surfski and/or my whitewater boat Tuesday, Thursday, yesterday, and today.

It's gotten hot again after that nice break we had last weekend.  And I've also felt really tired all week.  Maybe those two phenomena are related, and maybe they're not.  Either way, it's had a negative impact on my motivation.  I'd planned to do another gym session before going to the river this morning, but I just couldn't find the gumption.  Down at the river all I did today was paddle the whitewater boat for 40 minutes, and I went much lighter than usual on the drills, instead just paddling around semi-aimlessly.  I did do lots of rolls.

In several days I'll be heading east.  I'll be visiting my old summer camp at Brevard, North Carolina, and I also plan to paddle some whitewater in western North Carolina and east Tennessee.  I hope this change of scenery will have a re-energizing effect.

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