Thursday, August 18, 2022

Paddling, rehabbing, riding, walking

I did another round of my rehab exercises Tuesday morning.  The exercises are intended to strengthen my scapula so that it'll take pressure off the deltoid/biceps area that's been giving me trouble.  So far I'm still having pain there, and my chiropractor told me Monday that it can take a while for the scapula to re-engage.  So I guess I'll keep doing the exercises and hope they make a difference eventually.

After that on Tuesday I went down to the river and paddled for 60 minutes.  Aside from the arm pain I felt reasonably good in the boat, and I hope that'll be the case again when I race with Scott this Saturday.

Yesterday was a rainy day here in the Mid South.  I did my rehab exercises again, but otherwise spent the day addressing non-athletic chores.

This morning I rode my bike, taking the Greenline out east and looping around Patriot Lake.  Along the way my front tire went flat.  Of course it happened when I was as far from home as I was going to get.  I didn't have a spare tube with me, but I did have some patches and the tools to change a tire, so I made my way to the public air pump where the Greenline meets the trail down to the lake.  I inflated the tire to see if I could find the leak, but the leak was so small that I couldn't find it.  I got the tire up over 50 p.s.i. and decided to see how far I could get back toward home.  The tire seemed great for a while, but by the time I was crossing Waring Street I could tell that it was deflating again.  I kept on going, but by the time I reached Highland Street the bike wasn't really rideable anymore.  I considered calling an Uber, but my parsimonious nature won out and I walked the remaining two-plus miles home.  Fortunately it was a lovely, not-so-hot morning, and in general I'm grateful that I can simply walk.

I plan to pack for my trip this afternoon and get going tomorrow morning.  As of this writing Scott and I have no competition in the tandem surfski class, but I'm looking forward to getting up there and putting in a strong effort on the river and catching up with Scott a bit.

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