Sunday, February 9, 2025

Getting plenty of exercise while federal court makes me hurry up and wait

The first week of my jury duty has come and gone, and I have yet to set foot in the courthouse.  Each evening I called the telephone number, entered my juror number, and got a recorded message informing me that I was not required to report the next day.

And so it goes: for the month of February I am living quite literally one day at a time.  It's not really how I prefer to live, but in some ways it's kind of nice.  Each time I'm told I don't have to go to court, the next day feels like a day off.

And so far this month, my training activities have suffered no interruption.  This past week I paddled Monday, did my indoor exercise routine Tuesday, did my outdoor routine Wednesday, paddled Thursday, did my indoor routine again Friday, and did my outdoor routine again yesterday.

My activities continue to be geared toward general fitness more than maximum canoe & kayak racing performance.  As I've noted recently, I'm not likely to line up for a race any sooner than May.  And my biggest event of this year is a trip through the Grand Canyon in August and September, and that will require not so much peak racing form as just a solid level of fitness.

The temperature was well above freezing all last week, but there was a lot of variety: sunny skies, overcast skies, quite a bit of wind, some chilly days, some freakishly warm days.  Yesterday was mostly cloudy and breezy with a temperature over 70 degrees Fahrenheit.  This morning it's still cloudy and breezy, but now the temperature has plummeted some 30 degrees.

I called the federal court's telephone number again Friday evening and learned that I do not have to report in tomorrow.  This jury duty is hard work, let me tell you.  I'm taking a rest day today, and right now my plan for tomorrow is to paddle even though it's supposed to be cloudy again and colder than 50 degrees.  It looks like there'll be lots of rain Tuesday and Wednesday, so those will be good days to stay indoors whether I have to go to court or not.  I really wish the court would go ahead and call me in, as the forecast is looking not so pleasant for the whole week.

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Monday, February 3, 2025

Monday photo feature

In August of 2016 I spent some time in the Hudson Valley of New York.  Here I'm paddling the Hudson River where it runs between the towns of Newburgh and Beacon, and it must have been a breezy day judging by all the water droplets on the camera lens.  That would be the Newburgh-Beacon Bridge that carries Interstate 84 over the river.

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Sunday, February 2, 2025

By the seat of my pants, I'm keeping things going

It was another week of tailoring my workouts to the weather's whims.

On Monday I went down to the Greenbelt Park and did my outdoor dry-land routine that includes some running and some core exercises.

Tuesday's weather was a bit warmer and the wind wasn't so bad, so I paddled.  As I'm doing a lot this winter, I kept the stroke rate low and tried to take solid, precise strokes with good pelvic rotation.

I had a number of chores to do Wednesday, so I stayed home and did my indoor routine that focuses on my core and my legs.

Thursday was a rainy day.  But it was also quite warm, rising well above 60 degrees Fahrenheit.  So I went back to the river.  My paddling session mostly coincided with a break in the rain, but I got drizzled on a few times.  I went a mile or so up the Mississippi and pushed the pace coming back down.  The wind was picking up from the south-southeast and I found myself fighting a stiff headwind to get back into the harbor.

Friday turned out to be quite a physically active day in unorthodox ways.  My car was overdue for an oil change, so I started the day by taking my car over to the far side of Overton Park, where there's a garage I've used for years.  They had a couple of other cars to do ahead of mine, so I took off on a hike around the neighborhood.  My main objective was to visit several "Little Free Libraries" that I know about to see if they had any reading material I was interested in.  Getting by them all required that I make a circuit around a big swath of the area surrounding the garage.  Once that mission was complete I swung back by the garage and learned that it would be close to another hour before my car was ready, so I headed in another direction, toward the rental property I own.  One of the tenants had told me that a tree branch had fallen during Thursday's storm, and I figured it was a good time to have a look at that.

The branch was up on the roof of the two-story building, and it looked like I would need a saw to cut it into manageable pieces, so I decided not to put up the ladder and go up there just yet.  Instead I walked back to the garage, and when I was just a block away from it I got a text from the mechanic telling me my car was ready.  Perfect timing.

All told, I think I walked at least four miles Friday morning.  I drove back home and launched into my "official" workout for the day, another round of my indoor routine.

Friday afternoon I returned to the rental property with the tools I needed.  It looked as though the branch had fallen pretty flat on the roof and done no serious damage.  (If it had penciled down vertically, it likely would have poked a hole in the roof.  That once happened to a house I owned a couple of decades ago.)  So I cut the thing up and threw the pieces down into the front yard, and then returned to terra firma myself to tidy the place up.  That wrapped up a day of working my entire body while getting all kinds of chores done.

Yesterday I returned to the Greenbelt Park and did my outdoor routine again.

Now I begin my month-long adventure with the federal judicial system, and apparently the way it works is that I call a number each evening to learn whether I must report to the courthouse the next business day.  I called Friday evening and was informed that I need not report tomorrow; tomorrow evening I'll call again to see if I have to go in Tuesday.  So the good news is that I won't have to go in to court every day of February, while the bad news is that I can't really plan anything else in advance.  For example, I have my semiannual dentist appointment a week from this Thursday, and I think I will have to re-schedule it because even though it's possible I won't have to go to court that day, I won't know for sure until after 5 PM the day before.

It looks like the weather will be lovely and warm and sunny for the next couple of days.  I'm having a day off today for the first time in a week, and I reckon tomorrow I'll go get back in the boat.  After that, who knows?  I'll be taking it quite literally a day at a time, and that's not how I'm used to doing things.  Rather than tailor my activities to the weather's whims, I'll be tailoring them to the federal court's whims.

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Monday, January 27, 2025

Monday photo feature

Here's a photo taken in 2017 on Barnett Reservoir just outside Jackson, Mississippi.  I'm sitting in my boat either just before starting a race or just after finishing.  It doesn't look like I'm breathing hard, so it's probably before the race.

That race down there is just one of a number that we used to have here in my part of the country, but don't anymore.  I miss it.

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Sunday, January 26, 2025

Emerging from the deep freeze

The frigid air that moved in last weekend hung around through the middle of this past week.  I responded with some workouts on dry land.  On Monday I stayed indoors and did a routine that included lunges with dumbbells, a couple of core balance drills on stability balls, and some lying-down leg kicks.

On Tuesday I went down to the Greenbelt Park on a sunny but frigid and windy day.  I did some running both on flat ground and up hills, some oblique abdominal exercises, and some torso twists with the medicine ball.

By Thursday the Arctic blast was finally relenting, and I went back to the riverfront and got in the boat.  It wasn't exactly warm--I think it was just a little over 40 degrees Fahrenheit when I paddled.  But that's warmer than some of the weather I was paddling in down in Florida earlier this month.

Friday was colder and I did another round of the indoor routine.  Yesterday, with the temperature rising toward 50 degrees, I was back on the water.  Having done a rather grinding, low-stroke-rate technique session on Friday, I was keen to do something faster yesterday.  After a long warmup I did a piece that was a little over 400 meters, followed by two pieces on my 450-meter course from the monorail bridge to the Hernando DeSoto Bridge.  My time for the first piece was just under two minutes, and around 2:10 for the two bridge-to-bridge pieces.  I had a pretty strong tailwind for all three pieces, but having to paddle over the resultant chop offset that advantage somewhat.  My recovery time between the pieces was between five and ten minutes.

The wind was from the south, and that's better than a north wind, but at this time of year no wind is particularly welcome.  The wind forecast is definitely  something I look at when deciding when to paddle, when to work out outdoors, and when to work out indoors.

My jury duty starts a week from tomorrow.  Just how much of my time that's going to occupy, I won't know until I report to the federal courthouse downtown.  This coming week looks significantly warmer than last week was, albeit wet in the second half.  I hope to get in some good work before I venture into the unknown world of my civic obligation.

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Monday, January 20, 2025

Monday photo feature

Joe Royer shot this photo of me out on the Mississippi River fifteen years ago.  I'm pretty sure I've shared this photo before, but it seems suitable today as the Arctic blast that currently grips much of the nation is keeping the Fahrenheit temperature in the mid 20s here in the Mid South.

I don't think I've seen ice floes out on the Mississippi since this picture was taken.  Today's national weather map shows highs in the teens in Missouri and Illinois and even colder highs farther upriver, and you would think that should create some floes that would come drifting down by Memphis.  But such temperatures happen upstream of here every winter, and yet the floes are pretty rare.  I reckon ice formation must require some other atmospheric conditions that I just don't understand very well.

Oh well... ice or no ice, it's cold today.  Fifteen years ago both Joe and I were hardcore, but we seem to be getting too old for such foolishness now.

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Sunday, January 19, 2025

Some Silver River wildlife

I finally got around to looking at the video footage I shot on January 8 at Silver Springs State Park near Ocala, Florida.  What we have here is a short clip that I edited from that footage:

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Real-world goings on

Since my return home from Florida last Sunday, training activities have been largely on pause.  The main reason is a big pile of nuisance chores that were waiting for me, a couple of which got drawn out longer than expected and caused me more than a little bit of grief and anger.

I'll spare you the grisly details of all that, but I will mention that one of the week's chores was to visit my doctor's office for my annual physical, and it seems that I'm in pretty good health these days (bloodwork results are still pending and I should hear about them sometime after this holiday weekend).  I'm still coughing a lot, but I think the frequency of my fits is decreasing ever so gradually.  The doctor thinks it's one of those "hundred-day coughs."

I finally got back in the boat on Friday, and again yesterday.  Frigid weather is now descending on the Mid South, and I wanted to get some paddling in before it arrived.  The sessions were generally calm, steady paddling, but I paid a lot of attention to stroke mechanics.

As for my plans for the immediate future, they're a little uncertain because starting two weeks from tomorrow I have jury duty in federal court, and at least according to the letter I received, it could last the entire month of February.  I hope that won't actually be the case, but the main thing I don't know yet is how "on call" the court will want me to be.

Part of me is frustrated because I feel like I ought to be building on what I got started down in Florida, but another part of me is aware that I might not have any sort of competitions in the foreseeable future.  The race at Ocean Springs that I have attended each March for many years is not going to happen this year.  Right now the earliest race that I might attend is one over in Chattanooga in May that Terry Smith told me about last week.  At the moment I don't know whether it will conflict with the college graduation of my niece and nephew, who both attend the same school over in Texas.

Anyway, for now I think my best bet is to re-start some kind of general fitness routine like I was doing back in the late fall--some paddling combined with some indoor and outdoor dry-land work that I can schedule around the weather forecast.  The very latest information will be available right here.

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Monday, January 13, 2025

Monday photo feature

A manatee noses up to the surface of the Silver River for a breath of air.  I shot this photo during our visit to Silver Springs State Park last Wednesday.  I actually got a good hour or so of video footage, and when I find time I'll edit that into something I can share on this blog and on social media and stuff.  When will I find time?  I have no idea.  Right now I'm feeling pretty swamped with real-world matters here at home after ten days away.

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Sunday, January 12, 2025

Gutting out several more days

For most of the past week I've had an itchy rash from my ankles halfway up to my knees.  That's because the access we use on the Rainbow River is a ramp, meaning that we have to wade at least shin-deep into the water every time we put in and take out.  As a result, that part of all my paddling pants has stayed wet all week.  I didn't bring enough paddling clothes with me, and getting the clothes I have dry in between workouts has been more or less impossible.

That's just one of the reasons that by Friday morning I was thoroughly weary of camp.  The novelty of getting up in the morning and putting on damp clothes to paddle in sub-40-degree-Fahrenheit weather had worn off at least a day or two before.

Another reason is that the volume of training had been taxing and had left me feeling beat up and worn out.  That's how this camp always is, for in fact it is intended to be such.  I can only imagine how done-in the people are who attended the full two weeks.

In the aches and pains department, I'm having some pain in my outer lower right lat muscle.  It's not so bad that I can't paddle, but by Friday morning it had gotten so that I was wincing a little every time I inhaled.  I may have aggravated it a bit during our workout on Thursday.

That workout we did Thursday afternoon was a bear, but I was pleased with how I had performed.  Friday morning's workout was just the sort of thing to bring me back to reality.  It was two sets of six four-minute pieces done at 60 to 64 strokes per minute with a minute rest after each one; the first set was done with resistance on the boat, the second set without.  The purpose is to promote good paddling technique: the resistance dampens the boat's glide and prompts the paddler to focus on a good solid catch at the start of each stroke, and the low stroke rate allows him to contemplate all the other technical aspects.  It's important work and I understand why we do it, but that doesn't make it feel any less of a grind.  Chris Hipgrave and I did it together and we agreed that we were glad to have it behind us.

Friday afternoon's session was much shorter and sweeter.  We warmed up with some short pieces at various stroke rates, and then we did a bunch of short all-out sprints with short rest: six times 15 seconds on, 45 seconds off; and then eight times ten seconds on, 50 seconds off.  Each set of sprints got tough about midway through, more because I was struggling to maintain control of my strokes than because I was genuinely tired.

The camp finally came to a close yesterday morning.  Mercifully, the weather relented and gave us a temperature in the high 50s.  There were some gusty winds blowing, though.  Chris Hipgrave, Terry Smith, and I did a pair of time trials, each just shy of 600 meters long.  The first was downstream on the Rainbow River starting at the highway 484 bridge, and the second was down on the Withlacoochee River, starting next to a dock and finishing at the bike trail bridge.  My times were 3 minutes, 11 seconds for the first one, and 2:59 for the second.  The second one was done on the same course we'd timed ourselves on the previous Saturday; I was about 10 seconds slower yesterday than I'd been a week before, and I chalk that up mainly to the swirling winds.

And now I'm back home, with a mountain of ancillary chores to catch up on.  I'm not sure what's next for me in terms of canoe and kayak training, but that'll become clear over the next few days as I recover from camp.

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Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Florida is letting us down

The weather has turned nippy down here in Florida.  To full-time Floridians, I reckon it's downright frigid.  To me, these daytime Fahrenheit highs in the 50s fit into the "nuisance" category: such days are at the mild end of the winter weather spectrum back home, but are not what I come to Florida for.

The worst part has been the morning sessions, during which the temperature has been in the 30s.  As the week has gone on it's gotten harder and harder to get myself going in the morning.  But so far I've done it each time.

And what, exactly, have we been doing?  Well, Monday morning we did some technique work at stroke rates ranging from 60 to 72 spm, and that afternoon we did some longer pieces with short recovery at low-70s stroke rates.  Tuesday morning (the first cold morning) we did a "calm" 75-minute paddle, and in the afternoon we did some pieces with resistance on the boat.  Yesterday we traveled to the Silver River near Ocala for a relaxed 2-hour paddle with a lot of wildlife around, including birds, alligators, turtles, and manatees.  And this morning we did some more technique work at mostly-low stroke rates, while this afternoon we did three 9-minute pieces at a stroke rate in the mid 80s with 6 minutes recovery in between.

That last workout was definitely our most intense of the camp.  There were four of us--Chris Hipgrave, Royal McDonnell, Terry Smith, and me--and we started at 30-second intervals, with me going first, then Terry, then Chris, then Royal.  That meant that I did each piece with Terry in hot pursuit.  I think he gained some ten seconds on me in the first piece, but our times were close to dead even in the second and third.  I was pleased with my stamina: early in the third piece I thought maybe I had nothing left after the first two, but then I settled into a good rhythm and finished strong.

All good work, but again, I'm having a hard time savoring it because of the cold weather.  Yes, I know it's not as cold here as it is up north (in Memphis a winter storm is expected to move in tonight and continue through tomorrow), but it's as cold as I ever care to paddle in.

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Monday, January 6, 2025

Monday photo feature

I swiped a shot from Steph Schell's social media for this week's photo feature.  She and my other housemates arrived in Florida a week before I did, and she took this picture of the lovely Rainbow River from her boat on New Year's Day.

It does indeed look pretty idyllic.  But this coming week we won't be spared entirely from the national cold snap here in Florida.  This week the temperatures here will be warmer than the rest of the nation, but still quite brisk by Florida standards.

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Greetings from Florida

I arrived in the town of Dunellon, Florida, on Friday.  Since then I've been making the adjustment to an increased volume of in-the-boat workouts.

My fellow paddlers include Chris Norbury of Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania; Royal McDonnell of Lake Placid, New York; Steph Schell of Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania; Terry Smith of Chattanooga, Tennessee; and Peter Wottowa of Crystal River, Florida.

So far we've done some distance at low to medium stroke rates, some power drills, some short sprints, and a time trial of just under 600 meters down slow-moving current.  The weather has been cool for Florida--Fahrenheit highs in the low to mid 60s.  Today is supposed to be our last balmy day; then the Arctic blast that's been moving across the rest of the nation will arrive here and lower the daily highs to un-Florida-like 50s.  That's still a lot warmer than the 20s and 30s back home in Memphis, but it'll most likely be in the 30s for our morning sessions, so we'll be sharing in the misery at least a little bit.

Anyway... that's about all to report for now.  At least it's been nice to have a break from the routine at home and catch up with a few friends.

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Wednesday, January 1, 2025

It's almost time to go to camp

Well, it's been more than a month since my last post here.  Sorry for the radio silence, for those of you who have been checking in.

I said in my last post that my plan for the remainder of the year was to mix paddling with a couple of dry-land routines, one indoor and one outdoor, that I would do depending on the weather conditions.  And that's what I did.  I got in the boat a couple of times a week, and I also did some running and some body-weight exercises and some work on a stability ball and some work with a medicine ball.

My goal was to get myself to a decent level of fitness for the next phase of winter training: I plan to leave tomorrow for the state of Florida, where I will participate in an informal training camp with a few other racers.  Long-time readers of this blog know that we've been having this camp for the last few years.

I took a few days off last week while traveling to North Carolina to spend the Christmas holiday with my sister's family.  Once back home I wanted to spend my time in the boat getting ready for the increased work load I can expect down in Florida.  For the first time in months, I did a couple of workouts with resistance on the boat.  On Saturday I did two sets of two (5 minutes at 60 strokes per minute/3 minutes at 65 spm/2 minutes at 70 spm).  For the rest of the day I felt tired and sore in my legs, and I guess at least that's a sign that I'm doing an okay job with my leg drive and pelvic rotation.

The fatigue was severe enough that I spent Sunday just doing a recovery paddle.  Then yesterday I did another workout with resistance on the boat: three times (5 minutes on, 3 minutes off) at 70 spm, and three times (3 minutes on, 3 minutes off) at 80 spm.  The session was pretty taxing, but in the aftermath I haven't felt nearly as beat-up as I felt after Saturday.

I've had a cold since Sunday.  It's not the worst I've ever had--it's mostly just a stuffed-up nose.  My energy level seems to be holding up pretty well.  All the same, I sure hope to be on the downhill side of it as I depart for Florida.

I plan to leave home tomorrow and arrive in the town of Dunnellon, Florida, on Friday.  The weather forecast is saying that my first several days down there will be quite pleasant for this time of year, with daily highs above 60 degrees Fahrenheit.  But most of next week looks not so Florida-like: the highs will be in the 50s, and we'll likely be dealing with temperatures in the 30s during our morning sessions.  But it'll still be better than up here in Memphis, where the temperature isn't expected to rise above the 30s during the same period.

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