Monday, January 20, 2025

Monday photo feature

Joe Royer shot this photo of me out on the Mississippi River fifteen years ago.  I'm pretty sure I've shared this photo before, but it seems suitable today as the Arctic blast that currently grips much of the nation is keeping the Fahrenheit temperature in the mid 20s here in the Mid South.

I don't think I've seen ice floes out on the Mississippi since this picture was taken.  Today's national weather map shows highs in the teens in Missouri and Illinois and even colder highs farther upriver, and you would think that should create some floes that would come drifting down by Memphis.  But such temperatures happen upstream of here every winter, and yet the floes are pretty rare.  I reckon ice formation must require some other atmospheric conditions that I just don't understand very well.

Oh well... ice or no ice, it's cold today.  Fifteen years ago both Joe and I were hardcore, but we seem to be getting too old for such foolishness now.

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