Monday, June 10, 2024

Monday photo feature

I've had no air conditioning in my house since lunchtime Thursday, and so far I've been hanging in there.  Fortunately, summer hasn't yet reared the ugliest of its ugly heads.  The temperature outside has stayed mostly below 90 degrees Fahrenheit, and the humidity has been moderate for this area.  But it's creeping on up, and my thermostat's room temperature display has peaked a little higher each day.  What we see above is yesterday's highest reading.

As of this writing I have picked a contractor to install the new unit, but we haven't booked a day and time yet.  I hope to speak to their office as soon as they open for business this morning, and I sure hope I can get on their list for sooner rather than later.

Meanwhile several people, including my mother, have told me I'm welcome at their houses if things get unbearable here.  If this goes on too much longer, maybe I'll have to take somebody up on that.  But I prefer to be in my home.  My kingdom.  The heat will have to be oppressive indeed to drive me out of here.  After all, I've camped out in worse summer heat than this.

Anyway... we'll see.  At least life continues to go on, and addressing tasks outside the house--including paddling my boat on the river--has been a welcome break the last several days.

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