Monday, June 17, 2024

Monday photo feature

Summer vacation 2024 has begun.  I plan to spend this first week in the state of Michigan, looking for interesting things to do and hopefully having a good race on Saturday.

After that my plan is to head up into Ontario and around the north shore of Lake Superior.  During this period I'll be passing near Lake Nipigon, home of the boy who carves and launches the eponymous wooden canoeist in the storybook pictured above.

We didn't actually have Paddle-to-the-Sea in my house when I was a kid, but the film version was shown at my school when I was in maybe second or third grade, and it captured my imagination.  I had probably been told of the hydrologic cycle by then, but in this film the concept of "source to sea" came alive for me.  That film version, made by Bill Mason for the National Film Board of Canada, is up on You Tube, and you can watch it here.

I understand there's some kind of Paddle-to-the-Sea historical site in the town of Nipigon, Ontario.  I'll definitely have to go pay homage when I'm in that area next week.

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