Thursday, February 20, 2020

How I miss that warm weather

On Tuesday we had some showers and thunderstorms moving through the area with a mass of colder air behind them.  When I got down to the river that morning it was quite balmy, but by the end of my 60-minute paddle the north wind had picked up and I could tell the temperature was dropping.

Nope, winter's not done yet here in the northern hemisphere.  When I woke up this morning I could hear precipitation drumming against the window and I could tell it wasn't entirely liquid.  By the time I went outside there was a slushy mess falling from the sky and covering the ground.

It sure seems like February gives us some of our most miserable weather.  I guess I ought to look up the historical data to see if that's really how it is or just how I think it is.  By February I'm always weary of winter and I'm sure that skews my perception some.  Right now it seems that Old Man Winter is rubbing it in that I'm no longer on the beach in sunny South Africa.

Whatever the case, there's not much I can do but keep moving.  I went on down to the river later this morning, by which time it was 37 degrees Fahrenheit and the slush had melted into puddles of cold water.  Once I was in the boat paddling, the cold was all but forgotten.  I did three 8-stroke sprints and then paddled at anaerobic threshold for most of the rest of my 60-minute session.

Since my return from South Africa I've been taking some time just to get my sleep schedule readjusted to this time zone and ease back into training here.  So far the paddling has been pretty unstructured.  But there'll be some racing to do in just over a month, so I'm kicking around some ideas about how to get more serious in the coming weeks.  I guess I'll get a new strength routine going soon, too.

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