Sunday, April 2, 2017

Keeping it going

I'm getting down to the water on my regular schedule, but it's had a going-through-the-motions feel as my out-of-the-boat life continues to monopolize my attention.  I think as long as I stick to the routine it'll all settle down eventually and I'll be able to give paddling the attention it deserves.  One thing I should probably do is sit at my desk and draw up a more specific workout schedule so I won't just be winging it every time I get in the boat.  It would also help for me to make up my mind on what competitions to attend.  As I mentioned earlier, there are races later this month on consecutive weekends and I probably don't have the time or the money or the energy to go to both.  One is back down on the Gulf Coast, and I know there will be people there I enjoy seeing.  The other one is in eastern Kentucky, a region where I've never really raced before, and I like it when the sport takes me to new places.

This past week I did a loop of the harbor with Joe on Tuesday; paddled in some fierce south winds on Thursday; and got in a decent but tiring 90 minutes yesterday.  Even during periods like this when I feel a bit rudderless, I focus on taking good strokes.  Always good strokes.

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