Friday, April 14, 2017

Racing again soon?

The training has felt pretty good this week with another round of competitions coming up pretty soon.  On Tuesday I paddled for 60 minutes, doing three 8-stroke sprints and then paddling a steady pace.  The river was only two feet higher than it had been over the weekend but it seemed quite a bit higher than that.  There were a lot of logs and branches and other woody debris floating in the water and I guess that made for a flooded feel.

Yesterday I returned to the riverfront for another pace workout.  After warming up and doing three 8-stroke sprints, I embarked on a set of ten half-mile pieces with four minutes recovery in between.  My target time for each was 4 minutes 10 seconds, and the actual times were 4:12, 4:08, 4:08, 4:00, 4:06, 4:05, 4:04, 4:05, 4:07, 4:09.  I got a bit overzealous on that fourth piece but otherwise stayed pretty close to the target.  The workout was certainly tiring but I managed to paddle strong all the way through the last piece, and that was satisfying.

I did rounds of the current strength routine Monday, Wednesday, and today.

As for those upcoming competitions, I'm still trying to figure out which ones I will attend.  I'd like to race on both the 22nd and the 29th but money is a bit tight right now because of my expensive rental property renovation, so... we'll see.

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