Monday, December 16, 2019

"I'm having chest pains..."

I'm still hopeful that this chest muscle strain is something that will run its course in a few days, but right now it sure does hurt.  It hurts when I inhale, hurts when I cough, hurts when I press on it with my fingers.  Very strange.

After doing a round of the strength routine Saturday morning, I went downtown and paddled, and I paid close attention to what did and did not bother the sore muscle.  Paddling at a normal cruising pace, the actual paddling didn't seem to affect it at all; it was the breathing that made it hurt.  But when I did a set of the Paddle Power drill, that made it hurt a lot, and might have even aggravated it a little.  I may have to back off from doing that drill for a while.  I spent the rest of my 70-minute session Saturday just paddling steady at a medium-strong pace.

Since Saturday I've had to modify my schedule a little.  The handbell group I play with had a performance yesterday morning, and while I could have paddled in the afternoon, I decided a break might not be the worst thing considering my injury.  I thought about paddling this morning, but seeing as how it's pouring down rain outside with some occasional lightning moving through, I've decided to give it some more rest.  Once this rain moves out it's supposed to be colder but sunny, and I'm hoping by mid-week maybe I'll be feeling better.  I'd sure like to get some good work in this week because I'll be out of the boat most of next week due to holiday travel.

It just so happens I have a doctor's appointment this afternoon--just a routine thing, getting some bloodwork done.  I'll be sure to ask the doctor what she thinks about this whole chest business.

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