Saturday, June 11, 2022

It's almost beach time

I did another gym session yesterday morning.  Last night and this morning my left deltoid/biceps area was hurting worse than ever, and I think the gym session must have aggravated it a bit.  I suspect the pushups are the culprit, and depending on how my arm feels in a couple of days I might skip the pushups in next week's gym sessions.

This morning I went out and did a mostly-easy 60 minutes in the boat.  I did spend a few minutes chasing some so-so waves behind a barge rig, but otherwise I paddled at low intensity and tried to relax my body as much as I could.

Since this morning's paddle my arm has felt better, and that's encouraging.  It supports what I've believed all along, that paddling is the least harmful thing I'm doing for it.  Meanwhile, I'm still having some soreness in my left lower back (maybe some sciatic nerve inflammation?), and I think maybe it's time to pay my chiropractor a visit.  I feel pretty sure she'll know what to do for the back problem, and maybe she'll have some advice for the arm muscles as well.

That, of course, will have to wait a week, because tomorrow morning I'm heading down to the Gulf Coast.  My plan for the beach is to paddle as intensely as my body will allow, but it'll be all "play"--no timed pieces or anything like that.  Out of the boat I intend to relax and enjoy myself.  Some hot weather is about to move into the Memphis area, and I expect it'll be at least as hot farther south.

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