Sunday, September 7, 2014

My home gym

Today I did another round of the September strength routine, which, as I've mentioned before, includes my rehab exercises and some core work on the exercise ball.

I've never belonged to a gym or a fitness club.  Back when I was in school, and later when I was a school teacher, I could use whatever weight room facilities there were on campus.  But these days, my house is my gym.  Allow me to guide you on a tour of my equipment.

My exercise ball.

 My gymnast's rings.

My smartbell.

My rubber bands.

Assorted dumbbells and other weights.

My ten-pound medicine ball.  I used to have a five-pounder too, but I seem to have mislaid it.

And finally, the kittycats who keep me company while I work out.  Irrelevant, you say?  Well, pardon me, but this is my blog, and I can post pictures of my kittycats on it if I want to.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, that was a really cool Smartbells Pic! I'd like to invite you to join my new FB Group "The Smartbells Fitness Club" which is open to ALL Smartbells owners, trainers, and users and you are most welcome to join in the fun! Please feel free to stop by and check it out! Of course you will need a facebook account! :)
