Friday, September 4, 2015

A new strength routine

It's time to start doing some strength work for the month of September.  I did a round of this routine this morning:

1.  Rubber band "pre-hab" exercises demonstrated at 8:42 and 9:30 of this video
2.  Hindu squats (demonstrated in this video)
3.  Military press with a pair of dumbbells
4.  Knee lifts, done while hanging from my gymnast's rings and gripping a ten-pound medicine ball between my knees
5.  Bent-over rows

It's been a while since I've made this clear, but it's normal for me to make two trips through a strength routine on any given day.  Today, since my muscles are not yet used to these exercises, I made just one trip through.  I'll probably still be sore later.

Regarding the weight of the dumbbells: I use dumbbells that are heavy enough to limit me to twelve reps or fewer, so I'm working on power and not just endurance.  Beyond that, I concern myself much more with good technique than with a number of pounds or kilograms.  After all, I'm a paddler, not a bodybuilder.

As for the Hindu squats and knee lifts, my number of reps should go up as the month goes along.  What I've always done with Hindu squats, in fact, is add two reps with each session.  Today I did 60 reps; next time I'll do 62 reps, and the next time 64 reps, and so on.

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