Sunday, January 10, 2016

Fun (sort of) in the wildwater boat

Today I felt like doing something different, so I did something different.

I got my wildwater boat down from where it's been stored up under the deck behind my place, put it on the car, and drove to the mouth of the Wolf River.  Then I paddled some four miles or so up the Wolf and back.

Yesterday's rain had given way to a blast of cold air; when I arrived at the river the display in my car's dashboard said it was 28 degrees Fahrenheit.  An icy wind was blowing out of the northwest, and I was glad to be sitting down inside the wildwater boat rather than sitting on top of a surf ski.  On the other hand, the wind made the rudderless boat difficult to steer, and I grimaced as I leaned the boat left and right with my sore hips and lower back.

In any case, putting in at the mouth of the Wolf gave me a chance to explore a good bit of its flooded lower miles without having to paddle all the way up the Mississippi from the marina.  With the Mississippi registering 39.4 feet, the Wolf was flooded well beyond the section I managed to paddle (I made it as far up as the Watkins Street bridge before turning around).

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