Sunday, March 12, 2017

"Brr," sort of

It was the top story on our ever-sensational local TV news: after a long string of days with Fahrenheit temperatures in the 60s and 70s, Saturday's weather forecast called for a high of only about 45 degrees, with rain turning to a (gasp) "wintry mix" by evening.

So went the latest chapter in this very weird winter, and I confess I got caught up in the hype a little bit, inasmuch as I dreaded leaving my comfy home and subjecting myself to the hostile elements out on the river yesterday morning.

I drove downtown and braced against a penetrating northeast wind as I walked down to the marina under overcast skies.  I sought out the most protected nook I could find to shed my winter coat and don my paddling shell.  I affixed my pogies to my paddle for the first time in quite a while.  Then I got in my boat... and realized the weather was not that bad.  The wind was a pest, sure, but the air temperature was about 44 degrees.  How easily I forget that I paddled in temperatures some 25 degrees colder just two months ago.  This mostly-mild winter since then has softened me up.

I did ten 30-second sprints at three-minute intervals.  It's a workout that's been feeling good this season and I thought this would be a good time to do it again, when my confidence needed a little boost.

My cold seems to be running its course, and my back continues to feel better aside from a bit of morning stiffness.  When I returned to the river this morning it was a bit colder (39 degrees) and the wind was about the same, but the sun was shining brightly, and that always takes the chill off.  I paddled for 60 minutes, doing four 12-stroke sprints at two-minute intervals halfway through.  I plan to do something similar both Tuesday and Thursday this week in hopes of going down to Ocean Springs feeling sharp.

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