Friday, February 28, 2020

Trying to stay healthy while doing good work

On Tuesday I did a round of my new strength routine, and then headed downtown to do a loop of the harbor with Joe.  Joe informed me that the 39th Outdoors, Inc., Canoe and Kayak Race will in fact take place here at Memphis on June 13 this year.  It had taken a while to get the permits ironed out for that date, but it is now a done deal.  I'll share more information here as it becomes available.

February is almost over, and I'm eager to get it in the rearview mirror.  The weather this week has been cold at times and not so cold at other times, but never particularly inviting after my pampered experience in South Africa.  I've been back for 15 days now, and I think we've had measurable sunshine for maybe two of those days.

Yesterday was one of those sunny days, but it was a chilly one--I think the high temperature was around 48 degrees Fahrenheit.  I went down to the river ready to do a crisp workout.  I warmed up and did three 8-stroke sprints, and then did the same workout that Dawid Mocke had me do back on the 5th of this month:

10 strokes on
10 strokes off
20 strokes on
10 strokes off
30 strokes on
10 strokes off
40 strokes on
10 strokes off
50 strokes on
10 strokes off
60 strokes on
10 strokes off
70 strokes on
10 strokes off
80 strokes on
10 strokes off
90 strokes on
10 strokes off
100 strokes on

The whole workout took only 15 minutes, but it was a tough 15 minutes.  It's a real mental challenge once you get up over 50 strokes on, and I tried to take it a stroke at a time and not be overwhelmed by the mountains of strokes still to go.

Today started cloudy but the sun is gradually coming out.  It's windy and cool, with a high in the 50s expected.  I did another round of the strength routine this morning and plan to take it easy the rest of the day.  My throat has been somewhat sore and scratchy since Tuesday, and it seems to have gotten worse since last night.  I hope this is nothing worse than a common cold.  I sure don't want it to be that Corona Virus that everybody is so worked up about right now.

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