Sunday, July 14, 2024

Enjoying some variety

I did a gym session Friday afternoon.  I'd worried that working my biceps and triceps would bring back the chronic soreness I dealt with last year and maybe a year or two before that, but so far those muscles have responded well.  I've long said that gym work is my least favorite part of training, and in the last decade or so I've kept it as brief and simple as possible for that reason.  But it does make me feel good when I keep at least a small gym routine going.  I believe it helps me as a paddler, and if nothing else, having some muscle tone satisfies my vanity.

By yesterday morning the heat and humidity were settling back into the Mid South.  It was 87 degrees Fahrenheit as I headed down to the river just after 9 o'clock yesterday morning, an I broke a sweat on the dock just getting my boat and gear ready.  I paddled the surfski to the mouth of the harbor to see if there were any barge-wake-surfing opportunities out on the Mississippi; when I saw that there weren't, I paddled back to the dock and hopped in the whitewater boat.  I did a bunch of stroke drills and also some Eskimo rolls, which felt really good on a hot sunny day.  In all, I spent a half-hour in each boat, and that was fun--it reminded me of the many days I spent as a kid at summer camp, playing around in different boats on the lake.  After paddling I took a hose bath on the dock, and came away feeling just as good as I would after visiting any spa.  Better, probably.

This morning I did another gym session and then headed back to the river.  It was clearly going to be another hot one, and paddling turned out to be the same story as yesterday's, too.  I paddled the surfski to the mouth of the harbor and saw no wakes to surf out on the river, so I returned to the dock to complete 30 minutes in the ski and then put in another half-hour in the whitewater boat.  I topped it off with another hose bath and came home feeling like I'd made some more good use of a hot Mid South summer day.

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