Sunday, September 15, 2024


I mentioned at the end of my last post that I was taking a few days off, and probably wouldn't paddle again until this weekend.  Well, my body has announced that it needs even more recovery than that.  I've come down with something--I felt it starting to come on Friday evening.  I don't really know what it is; so far there haven't been any cold or flu symptoms, just chills, body aches, and probably a mild fever.  My bladder has been very active, too: each of the last two nights I had to get up and use the bathroom four or five times.  And since last night I've been having trouble keeping food down.  All I felt like having for supper was some soup from a can, and I vomited some of that back up.  This morning I had some cereal and fruit for breakfast, and for a while I was unsure if I could keep that down, but ultimately I did.

I really don't get sick very often, and believe me, I'm grateful for that.  I certainly get plenty of exercise, I get a good sleep almost every night, and I think I do a reasonably good job of eating right.  It also doesn't hurt that I live and work alone, not breathing in other people's germs all the time.

I think this is just my body telling me to slow down.  I spent two of the last three weekends in the Appalachian Mountains re-starting my whitewater paddling career, and I've also had a lot going on in my non-athletic life.  I've had some things to deal with over at my rental property, I've had a lawyer helping me do some estate planning, I've got a woodworking project whose deadline is no time soon but I've been trying to knock it out anyway, and my annual crafts fair is coming up two weeks from now.  So I've had that feeling of being constantly on the go.

It's not the worst time to just hole up inside for a few days, as the weather has continued to be pretty gloomy.  By Friday morning the strong winds had abated, but it still rained for quite a bit of the day.  Rain has continued off and on yesterday and today, and we've seen no sunshine at all.  It sort of feels like what we sometimes have in December here in Memphis--not all that cold, really, but just wet and depressing.  It's sure not making these chills I'm having feel any better.

Anyway, I'm just trying to get a lot of rest and drink a lot of fluids, and I hope this will run its course soon.

EDITED TO ADD: I do not have covid.  I didn't think I did because I was able to taste my food without any trouble, but my mom thought it wouldn't be a bad idea to test for it, and she brought me a test kit this afternoon.  The test came back negative.  So that continues to be something I've avoided since the world was beset by a pandemic four years ago.

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