Monday, September 2, 2024

Monday photo feature

One of the things I did when I visited camp the weekend before last was go by the site of the photo I posted here two weeks ago.

Back when that first photo was taken, around 1989 or '90, this dock was the home base for the canoeing program.  That's not the case anymore, since a new area for the activity has been established off to the left of this photo.

The house in the right-hand portion of the photo has been added onto a bit in the last 35 years, and the infirmary is no longer located there.  I think one branch of the family of owners currently lives there.

The biggest difference is a greater abundance of flora.  You can't see the dining hall up on the hill anymore because several pine trees have grown tall to block the view.  Also not visible from here anymore is the barn: that cluster of trees on the bank in the left half of the photo had just been planted when the first photo was taken.

Also new in this photo are those silly inflatable lake toys that I used to sneer at other camps for having.  Now my camp has them too.  Oy.

At least the central face of the two photos hasn't changed.  The guy in this new photo is the same guy as that guy wearing the green shirt and red shorts in the old photo, and he hasn't changed one bit.

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