Friday, November 23, 2012

Addition to the family

As the week moves along I'm sore but feeling some benefit from these new strength exercises I'm doing.

This morning I did the exercise routine I alternate with the exercise ball workout.  This routine consists of some behind-the-head lifts with a cinder block, some plyometric step-up exercises, some pushups, and a core exercise that Daniele Molmenti demonstrates at 3:47 of this video.

Then I pedaled down to the river and paddled for an hour.  It was awfully breezy and cool but the bright sunshine kept me from getting too cold on my surf ski.

Right now I'm paddling just a couple of times a week, but I'll start increasing that in a month or so.  I'm hoping that by then I'll have something to help get me excited about it.  I've never owned a flatwater sprint K1, and while I've always felt it would be neat to have one I've always restrained myself because it just isn't something I need that badly.  I have neither the speed nor the desire to do a bunch of regulation nine-lane sprint races, and the conditions out on the Mississippi River are often not suitable for such an unstable, low-profile craft.

But this week I decided to get one anyway.  After doing some shopping around on the Internet, I decided on this beauty:

It's a 2007 Vanquish II ML, manufactured by the Nelo boat company of Vila do Conde, Portugal.  Right now it's in Massachusetts, and I have hired KAS Transport to bring it down here on their next run from the Northeast to the Mid South.

I still don't know that I really need a K1, but as midlife-crisis obsessions go, it's a lot more practical than a high-end sports car or a twenty-something nymphomaniac with big blonde hair and breast implants.  It should be fun to paddle it in the harbor and mix up my training a little, and I may take it to some of the calmer-water races I do.

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