Sunday, January 13, 2013

My boat and I get together in all kinds of weather

I've got several days to catch up on here, days highlighted by severe swings in the weather.

Friday was flat-out beautiful--sunny and reaching 68 degrees by the afternoon.  After doing two sets of the January strength routine that morning, I decided it was too nice a day to drive down to the river, and rode my bike.  I paddled for 70 minutes amid quite a few floating logs that had been flushed out of the Wolf River by the heavy rain we'd had Wednesday and early Thursday.

The warm temperatures remained through yesterday, but the sun didn't.  We got about a quarter-inch of rain during the day, and then overnight last night it started pouring.  It continued to rain hard this morning as I did another two sets of the January strength routine.  And it was distinctly colder outside.  There would be no bike ride to the river today.

One thing I can say about that Go Pro camera that Martha gave me for my birthday last August: it gets me out in my boat on days like today when a person could be forgiven for staying home.  I'm on sort of a personal mission to shoot footage of the Mississippi River in all kinds of weather, and opportunity knocked today.

I planned to paddle for 70 minutes, and that's exactly what I did.  The cold, wet conditions prompted me to push the pace even though I knew that wouldn't make the time pass by any faster.

The rain continued past lunchtime.  I'm actually glad to see it considering the severe drought our region, like most of the rest of North America, has had.  We need a lot more days like this to pull us out of it.

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