Thursday, October 10, 2013

Muddling around in a trashy harbor

Well, I managed to get down to paddle one more time this week after all.  My crafts fair setup went more quickly than I'd expected, so this morning I made time for 60 minutes in the K1.

Feeling tired and achy from recent higher-intensity sessions (and also from some out-of-the-boat activities), I took it pretty easy today.  My mind was mostly on other matters, and arguably I shouldn't have paddled at all, but what can you do.

The Mississippi is on a near-ten-foot rise this week, and that has resulted in a preponderance of floating litter in the harbor.  I did some more aluminum can collection, which as I mentioned Tuesday is a balance drill all its own.  I stayed upright today, and in an hour I amassed a colorful pile of cans that included everybody's favorite brand.  Busch.  Colt 45.  Full Throttle.  Steel Reserve.  Bud Ice.  Faygo, even.


  1. I like how you not only do a little bit to make the harbor cleaner but also help the humane society. All the scrap metal that I find goes to a neighbor who uses it to fund some social justice programs. He always is so happy to get whatever I can find that it makes me keep a look out and even do the crazy such as asking for broken coffee makers at church.

    A lot of the surplus from my parent's downsizing goes to two local thrift shops that really benefit the local community.

    --Kathy from Franklin

  2. Thank you very much, Kathy. We need to reverse course from the throw-away society we have become.
