Wednesday, March 25, 2015

A nice week ahead of the season opener

Yesterday I enjoyed an absolutely lovely morning with lots of sunshine.  Before heading to the river I stood on my back deck and did some stretching, wearing nothing but a tee shirt and a pair of shorts.  My kind of weather.  Unfortunately it's supposed to get chilly again later this week, even down in Ocean Springs.  Ocean Springs is six hours south of here, as close to the Equator as I can get without detouring around the Gulf of Mexico, and I go down there each year expecting it to be a sub-tropical paradise; but it's been known to disappoint me.  The forecast for Saturday calls for a temperature of about 50 degrees Fahrenheit at race time, and that's actually just fine for racing, but hanging out after the race is less fun if you don't get to bask in warm sunshine.  Oh well... at least we seem to have broken free from the rigor-mortis grip of winter one more time.

The infection on my foot has shrunk down to a sore spot right where it all began, between the two littlest toes.  I was hoping it would be just about gone completely by now, but I'm on a ten-day course of antibiotics and I'm trying to remain patient.  The drugs seem to have upset my stomach a bit; the downside of antibiotics is that they mess up the body's good bacteria too, such as the ones involved in digestion.

In any case, it was a nice day to paddle, and I did so with Joe for 70 minutes in the harbor.  Today I plan to do my last couple of sets of the March strength routine before Saturday's race.  Tomorrow and Friday will be spent doing a few sprints and some easy paddling and making sure all my race-day gear is in order.

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