Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Strength routines

My hip is not pain-free, but I believe it is improving.  I'm trying to be patient and not rush back into the boat too soon.  Like I said, I'm trying to stay active doing stuff that doesn't affect the injured area, and I'm also doing my strength routine more frequently since I have more time on my hands.

After the race at Vicksburg back on April 30, I looked at the calendar and saw I had seven weeks before the Outdoors, Inc., Canoe and Kayak Race here at Memphis.  I decided to do one strength routine for about the first half of that period and then another for the second half.  Right now I'm still on the "first half" routine, and it goes like this:

1.  Military press with dumbbells
2.  Dead lift and then military press with a barbell
3.  Pullups
4.  Stability ball core exercise

Before my injury, I was doing this routine twice a week (Wednesdays and Fridays), going through the routine twice each time.  At the end of last week, when I realized that I'd have to stop paddling for a while, I went to an every-other-day schedule: I did the routine Friday, Sunday, and yesterday, and I'll do it again tomorrow and Saturday.

I'm leaving town next Monday for my annual trip with my mother and my sister's family to Dauphin Island on the Alabama Gulf Coast.  I'll be down there until Friday.  I figure this will be a good time to switch to the "second half" routine.  I haven't settled on the exact routine yet, but since I'll be on the road it'll consist of more "portable" exercises that require little or no equipment.

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