Friday, March 22, 2024

It's about time for some racing

Apparently spring started earlier than usual this year: I understand the vernal equinox occurred Tuesday, the 19th.  Most years it happens on the 20th or 21st.  In any case, it was a nippy start to spring here: the temperature dropped down around the freezing point overnight, and it wasn't much above 40 degrees Fahrenheit when I got to the river that morning.  At least it was sunny, and the southwest breeze wasn't too bad.

As I warmed up, my rotation felt really good, like I was transferring the power from my legs to my torso very efficiently.  Then I did another set of those 12-stroke sprints at 2-minute intervals, and it remained a challenge to keep all my mechanics in order.  On any given sprint there would be maybe four or five strokes where it all fell into place just as smoothly and fluidly as could be, but the other seven or eight strokes were a little raggedy, like I was relying too much on my arms and shoulders for power.  Like I said before, it's a good thing I race mostly at a much lower stroke rate, and I think it'll help me paddle well at that rate if I can get in even just a handful of good strokes when I paddle faster.

Yesterday I paddled for about 40 minutes--I don't know the exact time because I forgot to take my watch down there with me, but I paddled a distance that I usually cover in about 40 minutes.  I did another six 12-strokers, and felt a little more locked in mechanically--not perfect, but better.

This morning it was time to hit the road.  I headed south into Mississippi, and after an hour or so of driving I stopped to do a 40-minute paddle on Enid Reservoir, conveniently located just off Interstate 55 in Yalobusha County.  I got loose and did four more of those 12-stroke sprints.  Then I continued on my way, arriving in Ocean Springs in the late afternoon.  I checked in at the race HQ, and now I'm staying for the night with my friends Nick and Kelly in the countryside north of Pascagoula.  They made me a lovely meal of chicken meatballs in Alfredo sauce, and I hope those calories will serve me well tomorrow.

I mentioned several weeks ago that I haven't put in as much training volume as perhaps I have in the past for a race like this.  If that's a bad thing, well... it's too late to change it now.  The best thing I can do at this point is go in rested and focused.  But I really don't think it's that bad a thing.  One thing I've always been pretty good at is making every session count.  Whether it's 40 minutes, 60 minutes, 80 minutes, whatever, I'm not just drifting around out there.  I'm paying close attention to what I'm doing with my body from start to finish.

I guess I'll find out tomorrow just how prepared I am.  It looks like there's some decent competition in town, so I'll do my best to get a good night's sleep and be ready in the morning.

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