Sunday, March 31, 2024

Waiting for spring to establish itself

While watching the forecast last week to see what weather I could expect at Ocean Springs, I thought I saw that warm temperatures were on the way this week.  It didn't turn out that way, at least for the first half of the week.  It was overcast and chilly Tuesday morning when I went to the river for my first paddle since the race.  I spent 60 minutes in the boat, just relaxing and paddling free and easy.

The next race I’m likely to do might not be until the middle of June.  So I’m dialing back the time in the boat for the next several weeks.  Part of the reason is a lot of non-athletic obligations, but I’d also like to incorporate some other stuff—some bike riding and running, stuff like that.  The latter part of the week brought some warmer weather, much nicer for doing such things.

I spent much of this past week finishing up a big woodworking project, but I did get a little bike ride in on Thursday.  It was more of a cruise around the neighborhood than a real fitness activity.  I was hoping to do a more substantial ride Friday afternoon, but I was called away to give my mom a ride when she discovered a flat tire on her car.  Oh well… there’ll be plenty of days to ride as the weather gets more consistently warmer.

I was back in the boat yesterday, paddling for 70 minutes.  As usual, I worked on hip rotation.  I'm hoping that eventually the desired body mechanics will come naturally to me, and there have been moments where that's seemed to be the case.  But I didn't feel that way yesterday, and when I paddled for 60 minutes today, I felt even worse.  It felt like I was making myself do it rather than just doing it, and by the end of both sessions I was feeling tired and worn down.

Surely there will be better days in the future.  For now I'm just glad to be getting in some exercise in whatever form I can.

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