Saturday, May 5, 2012

Carp bombing

I didn't ride my bike to the river today.  I had to drive my mother to the airport this morning, so I just drove to the river from there.  Maybe tomorrow.

Today I paddled my boat for 130 minutes, during which time I did eight three-minute pieces.  I did the first two minutes of each piece at anaerobic threshold, and the third minute at sub-maximum (i.e., not quite all-out) intensity.  The recovery interval was three minutes.

One of the hazards of paddling on the Mississippi River is the Asian carp, an invasive species of fish that has proliferated in the last ten years.  They like to hang out near the bank in the eddies and shallows, and they are very excitable on warm days like today.  As I paddled upriver by the bank along the Greenbelt Park, a five- or six-pounder leapt right over my bow, maybe a foot from my face.  A few minutes later another one, about the same size as the first, exploded from the water on my right, glancing violently off my boat in the process, then swam underneath my boat, banging around against the hull and rudder for a couple of seconds.  I was worried that he might have broken my boat, but fortunately he hadn't.

I need to start paddling with one of those Go Pro cameras on my boat.  Sooner or later I'll capture an Asian carp jumping over the bow, and it will be a You Tube sensation.

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