Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Who actually reads this thing?

Today I did four laps of the May strength circuit, then rode my bike down to the river for an 80-minute paddle with Joe.  We did eight 2-minute pieces with 90-second recovery.  These workouts start to hurt a little when the recovery interval gets shorter than the work interval.  My arms were feeling pretty rubbery during the last three pieces.

This blog has a "hit counter," and I used to get really excited whenever it shot up, but then I realized what veteran bloggers probably know well: a lot of the "traffic" comes from spam sites.  I don't want to cajole anybody who prefers to remain unknown, but I am curious to know how many actual people are reading this blog.  Some people have told me when I bumped into them somewhere, and I appreciate that.  I'll just add that the comments section, which has been very quiet here, is a fine way to let me know.


  1. Aw, my wife never lets me down.

  2. I always read your entries but sometimes I have to play catch up and read several at once. Congrats on your race season so far! You are dedicated and inspiring and I hope you shine at the Outdoors, Inc race!
