Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Training at over-intensity

A long stretch of warm, muggy days came to an end last night, and this morning it was raining and in the mid 50s Fahrenheit.  I pulled out some cool-weather paddling gear I thought I'd put away for good, and headed for the river.

I paddled for 70 minutes, about half of that in a steady rain.  It was beautiful, but I can see how racers in places like Seattle get tired of it in a hurry.

I did the following workout: pieces of 3', 2', 2', 6', 2', 2', 6', 2', 2', and 3' with two minutes recovery in between.  I did the six two-minute pieces at pretty high intensity; I did the longer pieces at about what my average pace will be in the OICK race next month, and they almost felt like recovery periods.  And that's one of the main points of this workout: really hammering for short periods so that normal race pace doesn't seem like a big deal.

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