Saturday, July 30, 2016


I have spent this entire day feeling sleepy.  I woke up around 3 o'clock this morning and I don't know how long I lay there awake, but I think it was quite a while.  I ended up sleeping in about a half-hour later than usual, and ever since then I've been feeling sluggish and lethargic.  It didn't stop me from getting a decent paddle in this morning--I paddled a strong tempo for 80 minutes in the harbor and out on the Mississippi--but the rest of the day has been sort of a lazy and listless affair.

As an active person I consider it important to get a full night of sleep, night in and night out.  I aim for eight hours, but it often seems I end up with seven or a little less because I either take a long time to fall asleep or I wake up for a long time in the early morning hours or both.

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